
3.2.1 Number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year.

Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name Of Journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
Evolution, Characteristics and Utilisation of Wetlands in the Southern Part of Nadia District, West Bengal Dr. Mitrajit Chatterjee Geography Kala Sarovar (UGC Care Group-I Journal) 2021 0975-4520 CLICK HERE
Evolution of a French Colony to an Indian City: A Case Study of Chandannagar City of West Bengal, India Dr. Mitrajit Chatterjee Geography Utkal Historical Research Journal (UGC Care Group-I Journal) 2021 0976-2132 CLICK HERE
A note on gradient Solitons on para-Sasakian manifolds De, K. Mathematics BSG Proceedings 2021 1843-2654 CLICK HERE
Almost quasi-Yamabe and gradient almost quasi-Yamabe solitons on quasi-Sasakian manifolds De, K. and De, U.C. Mathematics Acta Mathematica University Comenianae 2021 0862-9544 CLICK HERE
Pseudo projective symmetric manifolds and Gray's decomposition De, U.C. and De, K. Mathematics Journal of The Tensor Society 2021 0974-5424 CLICK HERE
$\delta$-almost Yamabe solitons in paracontact metric manifolds De, K. and De, U.C. Mathematics Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2021 1660-5454 CLICK HERE
Sufficient conditions for a pseudosymmetric spacetime to be a perfect fluid spacetime P. Zhao , U. C. De, B. Unal and K. De Mathematics Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 2021 0219-8878 CLICK HERE
Almost Riemann Soliton and gradient almost Riemann soliton on $LP$-Sasakian manifolds De, K. Mathematics Filomat 2021 3759-3766 CLICK HERE
Investigations on solitons in $f(\mathcal{R})$-gravity De, K. and De, U.C. Mathematics The European Physical Journal Plus 2022 2190-5444 CLICK HERE
A note on Yamabe Solitons and gradient yamabe solitons De, K. and Ghosh, S. Mathematics Kyungpook Math. J. 2022 1225-6951 CLICK HERE
Ricci-Yamabe solitons and 3-dimensional Riemannian manifolds De, U.C., Sardar, A. and De, K. Mathematics Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2022 1300-0098 CLICK HERE
Some geometric and physical properties of pseudo $\psi$-conharmonically symmetric manifolds De, K. and De, U.C. Mathematics Quaestiones Mathematicae 2022 1607-3606 CLICK HERE
GIS based site suitability analysis for street vendors of Burdwan Town: An insight on urban informal sector Prasenjit Pal Geography Journal of the Oriental Institute M.S. University of Baroda VOL. 71, Issue. 02, No. 3 April-June 2022 0030-5324 CLICK HERE
अष्टाध्याय्याः षष्ठीविभक्तेः अर्थवैचित्र्यम् Sibsankar Karan Sanskrit व्यासश्रीः July-December 2021 (Published on 01/01/2022) 2320-2025 CLICK HERE
पाणिन्यष्टाध्यायीसूत्रपदेषु प्रयुक्तषष्ठीसप्तम्यर्थ-निरूपणम् Sibsankar Karan Sanskrit शोधप्रभा October-December 2021 0974-8946 CLICK HERE
Songs of Her Mother's Race: Contexts of Toru Dutt's ' Ancient Ballads and Lyrics of Hindustan ' Indrajit Chattopadhyay English Sambodhi 2021 2249-6661 CLICK HERE