

Physical Facilities

Laptop Smart Board
Projector Public Address System
Digital Camera LED Monitor
Xerox Machine Generator
Water Purifier Bar code Scanner
CCTV E-Podium
Smart Class Room Digital Display Board

Attendance In Classes:

As per University rules, a students is required attend at least 75% of classes held in each subject in order to be eligible to appear at the University Exams. The students whose attendance in classes is 60% and above75% are treated as non-Collegiate students and such students may appear at the University classes in each subject are treated as dis-collegiate students and they are not eligible to appear at the University exams.

In Case of Honours students the attendance in Hons. Classes is more strictly followed and the departments concerned may take stern action against the defaulting students.

College Examinations, Class Tests & Tutorials Etc:

The students are compulsorily required to appear at college examinations., class tests, held from time to time as per Academic Calender.

Career Oriented Programme:

As a part of propagation of career oriented courses in accordance with the guide lines of UGC our College has introduced course on Tourism and Travel Management on self financing basis w.e.f. 2007-08 academic year.

The details of the Courses are as follows :

  1. Certificate Course (one year)
  2. Diploma Course (one year) and
  3. Advance Diploma Course (one year)

Detailed information will be available to the Concerned Department.

Computer Training Courses :

A Computer training center under the aegis of WEBEL INFORMATICS LTD. Has been opened on our college. The training has been made compulsory for all the students of our college on payment of Rs. 50/- only per month.

Remedial Coaching Classes :

In order to enable students belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities who need remedial coaching to come up to the level necessary for pursuing higher studies efficiently and to reduce their failure and drop out rate the college has started remedial coaching classes with the financial assistance of UGC.

Free & Half Free Studentship :

The College grants free and half-free studentship annually to a limited number of students, the concession is made strictly on the basis of merit-cum-poverty.

Students' Aid Fund:

Students from the economically weaker section of the society (excluding SC/ST candidates) can apply for grants from Students' Aid Fund after notification during a session. Aid is granted to a students on the basis of financial conditions, attendance in classes, result of tests & exams and or other enquires etc.

Students Benefit Fund:

Needy students are provided with financial assistance from the College on the basis of individual application and fulfillment of requirements as stipulated by the College authority.

Free & Half Free Studentship :

A) Bimala Prasad Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is given to the following categories of students:

  • One Student securing highest marks in B.Com. Part - III (Hons.) Exam. of the University of Burdwan (value of scholarship Rs 500/-)
  • One student securing highest marks in B.A. Part -III (English Hons.) Exam. of the University of Burdwan (value of scholarship Rs 500/-)
  • One poor and meritorious student in B.com. Part - III (Hons.) Exam of the University of Burdwan (value of scholarship Rs 500/-)

In Case of Honours students the attendance in Hons. Classes is more strictly followed and the departments concerned may take stern action against the defaulting students.

B) Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya Employees; Co-operative Credit Socity Limited Meritorious Scholarship.

This scholarship is given to the following categories of students:

  • One Student securing heights marks in B.A. Part - III Bengali (Hons.) Exminations of the University of Burdwan (value of scholarship Rs 500/-)
  • One student securing highest marks in B.A. Part - III History (Hons.) Examination of the University of Burdwan (value of scholarship Rs - 500/-)

Laboratory Facilities

Our Geography Laboratory Is Will Equipped With

  • GIS software (Licensed)
  • GPS (Garmin, Trimble)
  • Mirror Stereoscope
  • Pocket Stereoscope
  • Auto Level
  • Digital Theodolite
  • ECO Sounder
  • Current Meter
  • Theodolite Dumpu Level