Central Library
Year of Establishment:
Email: centrallibrary@ksmv.ac.in
About the Department:
The College has a rich and useful library consisting of more than 23975 texts and reference books of various discipline-houses in the library building. It has a Reference section, a Lending section and a separate Reading Room. The library is provided with the facilities of computerized access; besides that the departments have their own Seminar Libraries particularly for Honours students and all departmental teachers assist the sincere students readily towards their reading.
The library is situated at central position of the college in a one-storyed building, trying to draw the attention of its users by displayinf the all collected information materials including books in a organized manner with their subject wise arrangement in multi-storyed stacks through open & closed access
This library has goals- big or small, things we want to achieve within a certain time frame. The mission of this library is to help more students, connect with books which would enrich their lives and turn them into lifelong readers. The goal is: “Creating and enriching reading habits among all the users.”
Air-conditioned Reading room is to facilitate the user in reading as per their discipline. Various reference books, general reference books such as competitive examination books and various magazines, rare books are available. Also it is well equipped with free internet facility and computers.
Strategic Plan
- Fully Automated Library
- Implementation of RFID system
- Enhance access of e-resources (eBook, e-journals and databases)
- Increase collection of materials for continuous up gradation
- Encourage students to use library more
Our Faculty

Course Offered
Bengali, Commerce & Management, Economics, English, Geography, History, Political Sc., Sanskrit, Sociology, Mathematics & Statistics, Education, Philosophy, Law and Taxes, Story & Novel.
Departmental Notice
Sl.No. | Date | Title | Download |
Activities (Last 3 year):
- Circulation of Library books & Journal
- Reference & Information’s services
- Reprographics services
- Current Awareness services
- Display of New Arrival services
- News clipping services
- Internet services
- E-book services
- E-journal services
- User orientation
Best Practices
Encouragement for the develpoment of reading habit.
Subscribed E-Journal & E-Book:
The College Library is registered member of the N-LIST (National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) Programme of UGC-MHRD. Under this programme the faculty members and students have entitled to access the e-resources remotely.
N-LIST (National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
Open E-Resources:
- David Rumsey Historical Map Collections : http://www.davidrumsey.com
- DOAB : https://www.doabooks.org
- DOAJ : https://doaj.org
- E-Gyan Kosh : http://egyankosh.ac.in
- Employment News : http://employmentnews.gov.in
- e-PGPathshala : http://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in
- Google Books : https://books.google.co.in
- INDCAT : http://indcat.inflibnet.ac.in
- Internet Modern History Sourcebooks : http://www.fordham.edu
- NASA Historical Archive : http://www.ksc.nasa.gov
- National Digital Library of India : https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in
- National Library of India : http://www.nationallibrary.gov.in
- Open Access Books (JSTOR) : https://about.jstor.org
- Open Library : http://openlibrary.org
- Shodh Gangotri : http://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in
- Shodhganga : http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in
- SWAYAM : http://swayam.gov.in
- SWAYAM Prabha : https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in
- Taylor and Francis Open Access : https://www.tandfonline.com/openaccess
- UGC-CARE Journal List : http://ugccare.unipune.ac.in
- UGC-CARE Journal List: http://ugccare.unipune.ac.in