Best Practices

Best Practices


Title: Talk of the Month

The Context: Driven by the urge of addressing intellectual commitment and curiosity, ‘Talk of the Month’ is an innovative practice initiated by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya. Primarily, it is guided by an endeavour to cultivate academic exchange and excellence among the faculty members. At the same time, it aims at incorporating the students - the budding scholars - into the process of critical and analytic thinking.

The Practice: Under this project, proposed and organized by the IQAC of our college, each faculty member delivers a lecture every month on a multidisciplinary/popular topic that is cross-cutting different disciplines. Other faculty members, non-teaching staff and students are invited to be engaged in the activity as audience and interlocutor.

The Evidence of Success: Teachers are excited to share their thoughts and ideas; everyone eagerly awaiting their turn. Growing participation from the students’ community, especially in the interactive sessions which are marked by exchange of ideas and dialogue of igniting minds. A few institutions are inspired by this practice and are planning to introduce the same in their colleges.

Problems encountered and resources required: Due to Term-End examinations, sometimes the monthly lectures have to be deferred. We have two future plans regarding the expansion of this project: 1) To involve students as speakers which needs their grooming, 2) To invite external experts as speakers, an initiative which needs financial support.

Sl. No. Date Title of the Talk Name of the Speaker Designation Number of Audience Present
1 16/08/2022 Reading Literature Dr. Indrajit Chattopadhyay Associate Professor of English 73
2 18/10/2022 Intelligence, Motivation and Mental Wellness Dr. M. D. Salauddin Khan Principal 113
3 29/11/2022 De-Consecration of Religious Places: Myth and Reality Dr. Srikumar Deb Associate Professor of History 77
4 03/01/2023 Bangla Sahityer Bishoy Ashoy: Bank Badoler Golpamala Dr. Ashok Krishna Chatterjee Associate Professor of Bengali 153
5 27/06/2023 The Future of Environmental Conservation: How AI is Transforming the Landscape Sri Prasenjit Pal Assistant Professor of Geography 110
6 08/08/2023 Rajneetir Tatwakatha: Mahakabyer Golpe Smt. Saheli Naik Assistant Professor of 39
7 26/09/2023 Community based Information Services for Differently Abled Persons with Special Reference to the People of East Midnapore, A District of West Bengal Dr. Adwaita Kumar Das Librarian 41
8 09/01/2024 A Journey to the Fairy Land Smt. Priya Das Assistant Professor of English 91


Title: Reaching out to the Neighbours

The Context: Along with intellectual stimulation, we at Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya also have a social responsibility that works as an impetus behind our decision to reach out to our neighbours. As a significant section of our students come from the neighboring villages and jute mill areas which are more or less economically underprivileged, we try to reach out to those areas for community service.

The Practice: We have organized, through the Units of NSS, and whenever possible, in collaboration with other philanthropic organizations, outreach and extension activities in the villages of Santhalpara of Bighati Gram Panchayat Area in the form of general health awareness campaign, health check-up camp and literacy drive.

The Evidence of Success: Apart from the happy faces that stare at us as we come back from the villages, the motivation that our students get out of such social outreach programmes, are our greatest success. We are receiving requests for more of such camps and campaigns and we are encouraged for planning such extension activities on a larger scale.

Problems encountered and resources required: It is needless to mention that such outreach activities need financial support. Since our college is financially not in a very affluent position, we need sponsors and collaborators to fulfil our motto of playing the Good Samaritan.