Department of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Year of Establishment:

2015 (Honours), 1995 (General)


Social Media ID: There is a departmental seminar YouTube channel


Career in Sociology

সমাজতত্ত্ব ও কেরিয়ার :

সমাজতত্ত্বের পূর্ব শর্ত ও ভবিষ্যৎ:

About the Department:

Sociology department is one of the youngest departments of our college. General course was introduced as a new discipline in the year 1995 and Honours course was introduced in the year 2015 . The department of Sociology admits students to its programs of studies 3 years Graduate Honours and General course from all over the state. Most of the enrolled students belong to rural and urban localities and backward areas. The department is housed in a splendid, disable friendlybuilding having elaborate infrastructural facilities consisting lecture rooms. Department is furnished with a laptop and smart board facility and departmental library books for students. The department has six faculties among of them one is Assistant Professor and five are SACTs. The department of Sociology aims to engender analytical and critical thinking among its students and has continuously endeavoured to incorporate the most contemporary debates in Sociology in its academic curriculum. After the introduction of CBCS in 2017 the entire syllabus was restructured in light of changing trends in sociology both at the conceptual and methodological level.Different ICTs were used for theory classes during the pandemic period so that the students did not face any difficulty in learning. Students were helped in all ways. Study material was provided. It is a conviction that students are capable of creative thinking. To encourage the creativity in the students and also enable them to think critically, field survey & out reach activities,dissertation research work was made compulsory component of the curriculum.It was a challenge to the Department to instil in the students perspectives that would enable them not only to qualify for all kinds of professions and occupations but also to do so successfully. Presently 2023 2024, Curriculum Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programme (NEP2020) has been introduced, we have started our classes for 4 years courses & 3years courses according to the new syllabus. We have started the teaching learning process keeping in mind that the students should not face any problem in their studies.Students and faculties are also participating in different type’s academic and social and cultural activities.

Faculties and students are very mush effective and cooperative. They represent so many academic and social activities within short period of time.

Wall Magazine through students tried to express their ideas and creativities.Educational Tour through they learn field studies and tried to know socio-economic nature of society, and by all departmental programme they express their extracurricular activities and maintain solidarity within the department and also other department.

Number of Teaching Posts:

Number of Teacher
Professors -
Associate Professors -
Asst. Professors 01

Swot Analysis:

  1. Department takes active care of students and renders proper services to the students.
  2. There is a very cordial and warm teacher student relationship.
  3. Arrangements are being made to use modern technology.
  4. Arrangement is being made to provide seminar library facilitate students.
  1. While some students are regular, majority students have low attendance rate.
  2. Lack of full time teaching staff.
  3. No seminar library.
  4. No smart class room or facility for interactive class-room facility.
  1. Opportunity is there to held seminars at regular interval
  1. Declining attendance of students

Future Plans:

  1. To give students more exposure to the subject through excursion
  2. To have wall magazine
  3. To guide aspiring students for higher courses of study.


  1. Smart Classroom is very much effective and modern contribution of this department. Students also using this for their presentation and other academic affairs.
  2. There is a very good departmental library facility, students can easily access the books they need. Books of Western and Indian Authors as well as English and Bengali language books are available here. Students can access and use those books for their study.

Strategic Plan

  1. According to the Memorandum of Understanding recently signed by the college with other colleges, the department has the plan to promote a mutual faculty exchange programme in which the department's faculty members will have the chance to teach students of colleges other than their college and may also engage in collaborative research with the faculties of other colleges. This will help knowledge sharing and spur innovation.
  2. Department has a plan to organize special lectures, seminars, workshops, etc., about the pressing social issues concerns facing the world today by inviting eminent experts from various reputable academic institutions to make students aware of the current social problems.
  3. Department is in the process of creating various e-learning materials for different modules outlined in the university's new syllabus, aligned with the new education policy. These resources will be made available on the college's website for the benefit of students.
  4. Given the current academic landscape, which incorporates a blended mode of teaching and learning, the department is considering the opening of its own YouTube channel. On this channel, faculty members will share up-to-date lecture videos pertaining to the syllabus.
Sl.No. Date Title Download

Our Faculty

Sohan Das
Assistant Professor
M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Dr. Soumitra Sarkar
State Aided College Teacher
M.A., M.PHIL., Ph.D.
Krishnendu Mandal
State Aided College Teacher
Saket Chowdhury
State Aided College Teacher
Riya Das
State Aided College Teacher
Dr. Alka Rajak
State Aided College Teacher
M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Course Offered

The Department offers the B.A. CBCS (Honours & General) and 4 years Major and 3years Minor Courses under NEP of Sociology as drafted by the University of Burdwan.


Sl.No. Date Title Download
122 Aug 2018SEC_OUTCOMEDownload
222 Aug 2018CBCS COURSE OUTCOME (GEN) 2017-18Download
522 Feb 2018COURSE OUTCOME _SOCIOLOGY (GEN) PART-1,2,3Download

NEP Syllabus

Sl.No. Date of Effect Title Download
105 Sep 2024NEP_SYLLABUS 2023-24Download
205 Aug 2023NEPDownload

CBCS Syllabus

Sl.No. Date of Effect Title Download
101 Jun 2018Sociology Under Graduate Syllabus - HonsDownload
201 Jun 2018Sociology Under Graduate Syllabus - GeneralDownload

Teaching Module

Sl.No. Date Title Download
118 Nov 2024SYLLABUS DISTRIBUTION V (GEN)_2024Download
218 Nov 2024SYLLABUS DISTRIBUTION V (HONS)_2024Download
317 Feb 2024Syllabus Distribution _VI_24Download
428 Sep 2023Syllabus Distribution _V 23Download
528 Sep 2023Syllabus Distribution _V 23Download
610 Aug 2022SYLLABUS DISTRIBUTION_SEM -1 (H& G)Download
717 Jul 2022SYLLABUS DISTRIBUTION _SEM V_2022Download
919 Sep 2021SYLLABUS DISTRIBUTION _SEM V (GEN) 2021Download
1019 Sep 2021Syllabus Distribution SEMESTER –V SOCIOLOGY (HONS & GEN ) 2021Download


Sl.No. Date Title Download
107 Aug 2024Departmental Routine for 1st semesterDownload
202 Apr 2024Departmental RoutineDownload
328 Sep 2023DEPT.ROUTINE ONLY 1ST SEM ONLY 23Download
428 Sep 2023DEPT.ROUTINE FOR 5TH SEM 2023Download
528 Sep 2023Departmental RoutineDownload
603 Apr 2023Departmental RoutineDownload
701 Aug 2022Departmental RoutineDownload
801 Aug 2022Departmental RoutineDownload
907 Mar 2022Departmental RoutineDownload
1019 Sep 2021Departmental RoutineDownload
1118 Aug 2020Dept. RoutineDownload
1202 Feb 2020Dept.RoutineDownload

Departmental Notice

Sl.No. Date Title Download
128 Jan 2025Invigilation Duty _5th semester Internal Assessment 2025Download
225 Jan 2025Guidelines for Field Survey Report 2025Download
325 Jan 2025Notice _5th sem internal Assessment 2025Download
424 Oct 2024Notice ,Fresher welcome, farewell 24Download
516 Jul 2024Notice _4th sem Internal Examination 2024Download
619 Jun 2024Revised Notice _6th (Hons)Download
704 Jun 2024Notice _6th sem (Hons) _ Internal Examination 2024Download
817 Apr 2024Notice _internal Exam 1st sem 2024Download
901 Apr 2024Notice _Parents-Teachers meetDownload
1019 Jan 2024Notice _1st sem Internal Examination 2024Download
1104 Jan 2024NOTICE _PARENTS-TEACHERS _2024Download
1303 Aug 2023Notice_Invited Lecture_ NEP 2020Download
1429 May 2023Notice_ instructions _4th& 6th semester _internal exam 2023Download
1515 Mar 2023Notice_Dissertation 6th Sem 2023Download
1627 Jan 2023Notice_ 6th sem (Hons)Download
1727 Jan 2023Notice _Re start new classes for 1st sem & 6th semDownload
1821 Jan 2023Notice _internal assessment _23 _6th & 4th semDownload
1921 Jan 2023Notice _Viva voce _DSE 2Download
2004 Dec 2022General instruction for Field Survey Report _5th semesterDownload
2104 Dec 2022Notice _Field Survey submision _5th semesterDownload
2204 Dec 2022Guidelines_Field Survey Report _5th sem (Hons)Download
2304 Dec 2022Notice_5th sem (Hons)Download
2411 Nov 2022Instructions for Field Survey and Outreach ProgramDownload
2503 Nov 2022Notice _Field survey 5th sem 22Download
2603 Nov 2022Instructions for Internal Assessment 2022Download
2703 Nov 2022Program scheduled for Internal Assessment 22 5th ,3rd & 1st semesterDownload
2803 Nov 2022Notice_5th sem (Hons) Field SurveyDownload
2914 Sep 2022Notice_Extension Outreach Programme _Download
3012 Sep 2022Notice _Internal Assessment _22 1st ,3rd sem & 5th semDownload
3112 Sep 2022Notice _Field Survey& Outreach _Sem -VDownload
3212 Sep 2022Notice _Documents verification for newly admittedDownload
3311 Sep 2022List of students _Extention out reach programme _5th sem( Hons) 2022Download
3531 Aug 2022Notice _Wall Magazine 2022Download
3615 May 0024NOTICE_INTERNAL EXAM_4th & 6th 2024Download

Study Materials

Sl.No. Date Title Semester Download
125 Nov 2024DP Mukherjee4th SemesterDownload
210 Oct 2024SOCIOLOGICAL OUTLOOK1st SemesterDownload
310 Sep 2024সামাজিক গ্রুপ1st SemesterDownload
404 Sep 2024সামাজিক নিয়ন্ত্রণ1st SemesterDownload
504 Sep 2024পশ্চিমে সমাজবিজ্ঞানের উৎপত্তি2nd SemesterDownload
615 Jul 2024Interview methodAll SemesterDownload
730 Jun 2024Optimum Theory6th SemesterDownload
818 May 2024Questionnaire _SEC_SEM 33rd SemesterDownload
914 May 2024KARL MARKS RELIGION _2ND SEM ( HONS)2nd SemesterDownload
1030 Apr 2024Conten Analysis6th SemesterDownload
1130 Apr 2024Survey Research1st SemesterDownload
1230 Apr 2024Field Research5th SemesterDownload
1305 Apr 2024SOCIAL RESEARCH _SOCIOLOGY (H) 5TH SEM5th SemesterDownload
1422 Feb 2024Socialization সামাজিকীকরণ1st SemesterDownload
1522 Feb 2024নগরায়ন5th SemesterDownload
1631 Jan 2024Radhakamal Mukherjee4th SemesterDownload
1731 Jan 2024MN Srinivas4th SemesterDownload
1831 Jan 2024Globalization6th SemesterDownload
1911 Nov 2023Field Study5th SemesterDownload
2011 Nov 2023Field Survey5th SemesterDownload
2131 Aug 2023Ethics in Research6th SemesterDownload
2218 Aug 2023Pareto Bengali4th SemesterDownload
2318 Aug 2023DP Mukherjee4th SemesterDownload
2430 Jun 2023Pareto (Bengali)3rd SemesterDownload
2530 Jun 2023August Comte1st SemesterDownload
2630 Jun 2023ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা6th SemesterDownload
2730 Apr 2023Pre Briish Society1st SemesterDownload
2830 Apr 2023Religion and Society6th SemesterDownload
2904 Feb 2023টলকট পার্সনস সোশ্যাল অ্যাকশন থিওরি1st SemesterDownload
3030 Nov 2022Hypothesis1st SemesterDownload
3127 Nov 2022Content Analysis6th SemesterDownload
3209 Nov 2022Urbanization2nd SemesterDownload
3331 Jul 2022Cross sectional Research6th SemesterDownload
3430 Apr 2022Drugs addiction6th SemesterDownload
3530 Apr 2022Religion6th SemesterDownload
3630 Apr 2022Ibn khaldun1st SemesterDownload
3730 Apr 2022Social Stratification1st SemesterDownload
3827 Feb 2022Gender &Politics6th SemesterDownload
3931 Oct 2021Social Change & Mordenization5th SemesterDownload
4031 Oct 2021Social Change & Mordenization5th SemesterDownload
4131 Aug 2021Globalization6th SemesterDownload
4226 Aug 2021Weber Social Action3rd SemesterDownload
4326 Aug 2021Introductory SociologyAll SemesterDownload
4408 Jul 2021Socialist feminist6th SemesterDownload
4524 Jun 2021CASE STUDY6th SemesterDownload
4607 Apr 2021Ethnography5th SemesterDownload
4707 Apr 2021শিক্ষা2nd SemesterDownload
4830 Jan 2021Growth of Sociology1st SemesterDownload
4930 Jan 2021Auguste comte1st SemesterDownload
5027 Dec 2020Law of tree stages _Auguste comte1st SemesterDownload
5131 Jul 2020Research MethodologyAll SemesterDownload
5222 Jul 2020Social Stratification1st SemesterDownload
5312 May 2020Religion ধর্ম1st SemesterDownload
5412 May 2020নগরায়ন6th SemesterDownload
5501 Jan 2020SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY _SEM -3 (HONS)3rd SemesterDownload

Results (Last 5 Years)

Year Appeared Passed Pass Percentage

Mentor Mentee

The faculty members (mentors) continuously

  1. help the newly admitted students (mentees) to acclimatize with the new institutional environment and safeguard them against any form of unfair practices within the campus
  2. communicate with students to gain insight into their aspirations, strengths, and weaknesses, and try to uncover their hidden talents and ensure their holistic development.
  3. assist and guide students in advancing their academic endeavours by keeping track of their academic development over time. Special mentoring classes are arranged for students with relatively poor academic performance.
  4. provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively apply economic
  5. theory and practice in the continuously evolving job market.
  6. help students to choose the right career path by providing various job-related information,
  7. enlighten the students on professional ethics
  8. motivate students to take part in various extracurricular activities and strive to enhance
  9. their leadership abilities through involving them in diverse group activities.
  10. assist students in managing mental stress and depression, addressing family-related issues, and coping with emotional challenges.
  11. monitor attendance and behavioural aspects of the students
  12. keep in touch with the parents/guardians of pupils by holding parent-teacher meetings to let them know about the students' academic progress, attendance in classes, and their behavioral aspects, and to solicit suggestions from the parents regarding what else the college can do to help them advance.
Sl.No. Date Title Download

Question Paper 2023-2024

Sl.No.Year of ExamTitleDownload
12024BU EXAM _NEP_1ST SEM_MAJOR _2024Download
22024BU EXAM _2023_NEPDownload
320234th Sem VIII & X 2023Download

Question Paper 2022-2023

Sl.No.Year of ExamTitleDownload
12023Internal Examination 2023 ,4th sem Hons & Gen & 6th Sem Hons & GeneralDownload
22023SEM -4 EXAM ,BU 2022 _CC-10Download
32023B.U EXAM SEM IV _SOCH_CC-9Download
42023B.U EXAM SEM IV SOCH _CC-8Download
520225th sem XI 2022Download
62022Internal Examination 5th sem _GE 2Download
72022B.U EXAM _SEM III (HONS)2019Download
82022BU_EXAM _VI _DSE 2022Download
92022B.U.SEM VI _CC_14 _2022Download
102022B.U EXAM -CC-13 _2022Download
112022B.U EXAM _VI (HONS)2022Download
122022SEC_2022 ,BU EXAMDownload

Activities (Last 3 year)

Department of Sociology is one of the yougest department in the college. The department is very active in doing various cultural activities and organizes various cultural events in the department every year. Like Wall Magazine,Freshers & Farewell , Teacher's Day, etc. Also Educational Excursion, Extension Outreach Activities & Parents Teachers Meeting are organized every year.


Wall Magazine 2024

Inauguration of Wall Magazine – ILLUMINATUS

Organized by: Department of Sociology, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya

Date: 26th November 2024

The Department of Sociology proudly hosted the inauguration of its Wall Magazine, ILLUMINATUS, on the theme "Indian Society After Independence." The event began at 2:30 PM with the gracious presence of the respected Principal Dr. Md. Salauddin Khan, who inaugurated the magazine and commended the department for its innovative approach to learning and creativity.

Sri Sohan Das, HOD of Sociology, addressed the gathering, highlighting the importance of the magazine in showcasing the sociological evolution of India and applauding the collaborative efforts of students and faculty.

The magazine features insightful articles, creative artwork, and infographics reflecting India’s journey post-independence. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from students and faculty, creating a vibrant and celebratory atmosphere.

This initiative not only celebrated creativity but also encouraged critical reflection on the challenges and progress of Indian society. The department expresses gratitude to all contributors and looks forward to continuing such an enriching endeavour.

Youtube Link:

Indoor Plantation Activity 2024

Organized by: Department of Sociology, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya

Date: 21st November 2024

On 21st November 2024, the Department of Sociology at Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya undertook an indoor plantation initiative to enhance the department's aesthetic and environmental atmosphere. Faculty members and students collaboratively placed 6 indoor plants, including species like peace lilies, and areca palms, chosen for their air-purifying and low-maintenance properties.

Sri Sohan Das, emphasized the sociological relevance of maintaining a green indoor environment for mental well-being and productivity. Students were educated on the benefits of indoor plants in reducing stress, improving air quality, and fostering a positive workspace. The event also highlighted the department’s commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness.

The initiative was warmly received by students and faculty alike, who pledged to nurture the plants, making them a permanent feature of the department. This small yet impactful step reflects the department's alignment with eco-friendly practices and sustainable living principles.

Farewell, Fresher’s Welcome, and Teachers’ Day Celebration 2024

Organized by: Department of Sociology, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya

Date: 29th October 2024

The Department of Sociology at Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya hosted a combined celebration on 29th October 2024, marking three significant events: the farewell for outgoing students, the welcome of the fresh batch, and Teachers’ Day. The program began with a warm welcome for the new students, accompanied by inspiring words from the Head of the Department, Sohan Das. A vibrant cultural segment, including dance, music, and poetry, showcased the diverse talents of students.

The farewell ceremony was an emotional moment, where outgoing students were felicitated and shared their fond memories. Teachers’ Day was celebrated with enthusiasm, as students expressed their gratitude through heartfelt speeches and tokens of appreciation for their mentors.

The event fostered a spirit of camaraderie, marked by mutual respect and enthusiasm, reflecting the department’s commitment to holistic development and maintaining strong interpersonal bonds. The celebration concluded with refreshments and group photographs, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

Some moments of the Freshers & Farewell Programmes organized by Department of Sociology of Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya.The programmes was held on 23.08.23 and the programmes concluded successfully. All the students and faculty of the Department of Sociology have been very cooperative in making this programme very success.

Freshers & Farewell Programme 2023

Youtube Link:


Some moments of the one-day “An invited lecture on Curriculum & Credit Framework for Under Graduate Programme” organized byThe Department of Sociology, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya. The programme was held on 10.08.23 and the programme was concluded with great success.

Youtube Link:

An Invited Lecture on “Curriculum & Credit Framework for Under -Graduate Programme (NEP) 2020,” Organized by Department of Sociology in association with IQAC & R& D Cell of Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Bhadreswar,Hooghly. WB

Dated: 10/08/2023, Time: 12 noon

Location: Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Bhadreswar

On 10/08/2023, a highly anticipated invited lecture on “Curriculum & Credit Framework for Under -Graduate Programme (NEP) 2020,” was held at Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Bhadreswar. The purpose of the event was to give the academic community at this institution insight into the revolutionary changes brought about by NEP 2020, which have a substantial impact on the Indian educational system. It was organised by the Department of Sociology.The main initiator of this programme was Prof. Sohan Das (HOD), Department of Sociology and all the teachers of Sociology Department like Soumitra Sarkar, Saket Chowdhury, Riya Das, Alka Rajak and Krisnendu Mandal have made tireless efforts to make this programme great success.

The esteemed speaker for the programme was Shyama Prasad Sain, Associate Professor of Zoology, Sreegopal Banerjee College, Bagati ,Magra, Hooghly,WB known for his expertise in educational policy analysis. Professor Sain has a vast experience in the field and has been actively involved in educational reforms. An incisive keynote talk that presented an outline of NEP 2020, its objectives, the enormous changes it seeks to bring about in the Indian educational system, and its impact on Burdwan University served as the seminar's opening address. His insightful perspectives on NEP 2020 were highly anticipated by the audience. The event was well-attended by students, faculty members, and education enthusiasts from the local community, creating a conducive environment for meaningful discussions and interactive sessions.

The speaker emphasized the policy's focus on holistic development, multidisciplinary learning, and the integration of technology into education. An engaging interactive session was conducted. Participants enthusiastically shared their thoughts, concerns, and questions about the NEP 2020. This exchange of ideas allowed attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the policy's implications for both students and educators. The event encouraged lively debates, with participants expressing various perspectives on the potential benefits and challenges of implementing NEP 2020 and its effects on the Burdwan University seminar system. One of the highlights of the seminar was the opportunity for students to directly interact with the guest speakers. The event not only addressed the theoretical aspects of the policy but also its real-world implications for educational institutions like Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya.

The success of this event serves as a reminder of the significance of such gatherings for knowledge dissemination, fostering critical thought, and preparing students and teachers for the seismic changes that the NEP 2020 will bring to the Burdwan University educational landscape under the aegis of the Indian education system. We express our sincere gratitude to the organizers, guest speakers, and all participants for making this event a memorable and fruitful experience.


Educational Excursion -2022

Dte: 17.11.2022 to 21.11.2022
Places: Kalingpong , Lava, Kolkham, Ryshop,Lolagaon & Delo

One of the most important activities of the Department of Sociology is the educational excursion organized every year. Educational excursion was organized from 17.11.2022 -21.11.2022 i.e. for 4 days. Students were taken on educational tours to places like Lava, Colkham, Resp, Kya Ling Pong, Dale etc. for their field survey. Not only the level tour but also their field work, data collection work was done along with the tour as per the curriculum included in the syllabus. It was always kept mind that the students did not face an difficulties. 3 teachers and 1 female teacher accompanied the students to look after them .

Youtube Link:


Some beautiful moments of the Teacher's Day celebration and accompanying Freshers and Farewell progrmme organized by Department of Sociology of Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya held on 29 10 2022. All the students and faculty of Sociology Department were very cooperative to conduct the events smoothly. The programs were concluded with great success.

Teacher's Day, Freshers and Farewell progrmme 2022


Extension Out Reach Activity 2023

Department of Sociology organized 5th Semester honours “Extension Outreach Activity”Programme with the students of Rabindrasmriti High School on 23/9/2022. The programme ended very successfully with the participation of the students and the cooperation of the teachers and the presentation of the 5th Semester (H) students of Sociology.


Wall Magazine 2022

The Sociology Department organizes the Wall Magazine programme every year. This programme is themed around a social issue. Students participate in this programme by doing various paper cutting and drawing. Students give presentations on the theme of Wall Magazine. The last departmental wall magazine was held on 02.09.22. The programme was inaugurated by the Principal Sir and the Departmental Head was also present. Head of the Sociology department ceremoniously gave some speech on the subject of Wall Magazine and then the program was started. All the teachers of the department cooperated in this programme and the programme was concluded successfully.

Youtube Link:


Departmental Tree Plantation Programme 2022

Indoor plants have been planted for departmental decoration at the initiative of Sri Sohan Das, Head of the Department of Sociology, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya. This plan was formulated on 8-8-2022 to beautify the department. There are plans to equip the department better in future.


A one-day State Level Webinar

A one-day state level webinar on ' Woman in Contemporary Society' organised by the department of Sociology and Political science in collaboration with internal Quality Assurance cell and women cell of Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya on 26 December 2021 10:30 a.m. onwards

Resource Person
Dr.Sourav Madhur Dey
Assistant Professor & TIC
Department of Sociology
The University of Burdwan

Resource Person
Dr. Abhisek Karmakar
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Galsi Mahavidyalaya,Galsi, Purba Bardhaman

(Joint Convenors of the webinar, KSM)
Sri Sohan Das
Assistant Professor & HOD
Dept. of Sociology
Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya

Summary of the webinar

A one-day state level webinar on 'Woman in Contemporary Society' organised by the department of Sociology and Political science in collaboration with internal Quality Assurance cell and women cell Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya on 26 December 2021 10:30 a.m. onwards

The Webinar was inaugurated by the Principal of the College Dr.Md. Salahuddin Khan at 10:40 a.m. After which the IQAC Coordinator of the College gave a speech. At 10:55 a.m. the Joint Conveners of the Webinar and the In-charge & Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociology Mr. Sohan Das gave a brief speech about the content of the Webinar. After 11:00a.m in the morning, the guest of the webinar, the first speaker Dr. Sourav Madhur Dey, Assistant Professor & TIC Department of Sociology he delivered his speech from 11 AM to 12 Noon. The second speaker of the event was Dr. Abhishek Karmakar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Golsi Mahavidyalaya, his topic was ‘Politics of Present and Political Representations of Women in India’ delivered his speech from 12.10 pm to 1.10 pm. Then the interactive session of the program starts at 1:10 PM for 10 minutes. Then at the end of the webinar, the joint conveners of the webinar and in charge of the Political Science department Mrs. Saheli Naik concluded the program with a vote of thanks. After that, arrangements were made to give e-certificates to the participants. In the webinar, professors, research scholars, students from various parts of India including West Bengal. Participated Online Google Meet is held for this program and we have arranged to show this program on YouTube stream. At least 800 participants attended and watched the event on these two platforms.

Google Meet link:

Youtube Link:

Extra Activities

Career opportunity in Sociology

With the help of my colleague Mr. Socket Chowdhury, an online Talkshow was organized by Kolkata Mirror News Channel on 10th july 2022, discussing the career and future of Sociology.

Youtube Link:

সমাজতত্ত্বের পূর্ব শর্ত ও ভবিষ্যৎ :

Best Practices

  1. As the majority of students are first-generation learners from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, the department focuses on fostering student-centric teaching and learning approaches.
  2. Department continually strives to inculcate an economic way of thinking in students so that they can make more prudent economic decisions in real-world settings.
  3. Regularly, the department's faculty members provide hands-on training on various statistical software, enabling students to acquire the knowledge of analyzing real-world data to draw meaningful conclusions and the concept of policy formulation so that they become industry-ready. Students can learn the methods for data collection and filtering techniques, coding, and how to effectively present and interpret the data by participating in their faculty' project work. This promotes experiential learning.
  4. Department arranges special mentoring classes and counseling sessions for academically backward students to assist them in understanding the subject matter more easily. To complete the syllabus on time, faculties frequently take extra classes online beyond college hours after obtaining permission from the Principal to benefit the students.

Placement & Progression

Presently, many students have secured their place in employment by passing with Sociology Honours. Now,they are working in various career fields. Some are also pursuing highe r education. Since the Department of Sociology was introduced in the college in 2015. That's why the number of sociology (Hons.) students is very less here. Hope the number of students will increase in the future.

Placement: Name of the Studens & working place

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression
Arnab PalCounsellor, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal
Shampa DeyUnit manager in agency icici bank
Aritra GangulyDealer Sales Executive in Maruti Suzuki True Value
Aryama BatabyalFreelancer as a Content writer, and Student
Sumana MaityHandmade jewellery making
Samarpita BanikMobile shop
Shreya PatelSchool Teachers , Little Angel school
Subhajit SahaInstitution won Business
Akash NeogiSales Out Executive at P&G (Procter & Gamble)


SL.No Name of the Student Year of passing Qualification Results Prersent Status
1. Arnab Pal 2019 - 2021 B.A .(Hons.), M.A in Sociology NET qualified & TET qualified B.Ed. (final year) 4th Rank in 1st class), B.U 1st Rank in 1st class (Gold medalist), B.U Working as a Counsellor Department of Health and Family Welfare,
2. Piyali Ghosh 2019 - 2021 B.A .(Hons.)
M.A . in Sociology
1st Rank in 1st class B.U
2nd Rank in 1st class ,B.U
B.Ed. (final year)
3. Debika Banerjee 2019 - 2021 B.A .(Hons.)
M.A . in Sociology
1st class B.U
1st class B.U
4. Aparna Pyne 2019 - 2021 B.A .(Hons.)
M.A . in Sociology
2nd class
2nd class
5. Sonali Nandan 2019 - 2021 B.A .(Hons.)
M.A . in Sociology
2nd class
2nd class
6. Megha Pramanik 2020 B.A .(Hons.) MSW NSOU 2nd class
7. Popy Debnath 2021 B.A .(Hons.) 2nd class Persuing M.SW
8. Arijit Bhaduri 2021 B.A .(Hons.) 1st class B.U Persuing M.SW
9. Shreeparan Patra 2021 B.A .(Hons.) 2nd class Persuing M.SW
10. Subhajit Saha 2021 B.A .(Hons.) 1st class B.U Persuing M.SW
11. Aryama Batabyal 2022 B.A .(Hons.) Persuing M.SW
12. Anumita Ghosh 2022 B.A.(Hons.) 2nd class Persuing MSW
13. Sudipta Kundu 2022 B.A.(Hons.) 2nd class Pursuing Diploma in Radiology at DPMI Institute.
14. Sudeshna Ghosh 2022 B.A.(Hons.) ssss ssss
15. Sudeshna Ghosh 2023 B.A.(Hons.) 1st class B.U Persuing M.A in Sociology (B.U)
16. Sneha Poddar 2023 B.A.(Hons.) Persuing M.A in Sociology (B.U)
17. Sangeeta Garang 2023 B.A.(Hons.) 2nd class Persuing M.A in Sociology (B.U)



1 Keya Chakroboty 2015-2018 30 Shreya Patel 2019-2022
2 Debarati Mondal 2015-2018 31 Anumita Ghosh 2019-2022
3 Nikita Singh 2015-2018 32 Sudipta Kundu 2019-2022
4 Prativa Pal 2015-2018 33 Aryama Batabyal 2019-2022
5 Anuradha Baidya 2016-2019 34 Suparna Das 2019-2022
6 Debika Banerjee 2016-2019 35 Aritra Ganguli 2019-2022
7 Bagyabati Nayek 2016-2019 36 Shampa Dey 2019-2022
8 Sanjeet Sardar 2016-2019 37 Sumana Maity 2019-2022
9 Piyali Ghosh 2016-2019 38 Moushree Das 2019-2022
10 Arnab Pal 2016-2019 39 Samarpita Mallick 2019-2022
11 Sayaboni Banerjee 2016-2019 40 Akash Neogi 2019-2022
12 Mou Jasowara 2016-2019 41 Ananya Banerjee 2020-2023
13 Arpita Das 2016-2019 42 Ankita Koley 2020-2023
14 Sonali Nandan 2016-2019 43 Debraj Ghosh 2020-2023
15 Aparna Pyne 2016-2019 44 Deeptanil Ckakroborty 2020-2023
16 Barnali Debnath 2017-2020 45 Koyel Pan 2020-2023
17 Megha Pramanik 2017-2020 46 Mohal Banerjee 2020-2023
18 Kaushani Roy 2017-2020 47 Sangeeta Garang 2020-2023
19 Aaysha 2017-2020 48 Sneha Poddar 2020-2023
20 Avijit Ghosh 2017-2020 49 Srikumar Manna 2020-2023
21 Nitu Shaw 2017-2020 50 Sudeshna Ghosh 2020-2023
22 Dipa Ghosh 2017-2020 51 Suman Nath 2020-2023
23 Piyali Nath 2017-2020
24 Popy Debnath 2018-2021
25 Suparna Patra 2018-2021
26 Shreeparan Patra 2018-2021
27 Arijit Bhaduri 2018-2021
28 Subhajit Saha 2018-2021
