
4.1.3 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.

Room number or Name of classrooms/Seminar Hall with LCD / wifi/LAN facilities with room numbers Type of ICT facility Link to geo tagged photos and master time table
Geographic Information & Analysis Laboratory Wifi, LAN, LMS (Smart Board & Projector), Computers and Printers CLICK HERE
Room No-28 LMS (Projector and Foldable Screen) CLICK HERE
Room No-29 LMS (Projector and Foldable Screen) CLICK HERE
Cartographic & Surveying Laboratory Survey TLMs CLICK HERE
Room No-34 LMS (Projector) CLICK HERE
Room No-36 LMS (Projector & Smart Board) CLICK HERE
Room No-37 LMS (Projector & Smart Board) CLICK HERE
Room No-18 LMS (Projector & Smart Board) CLICK HERE
Aurobida Hall LMS (Projector & Sound System) CLICK HERE
Room No-14 LMS (Smart Board) CLICK HERE
Bengali Dep. Seminar Library LAN, WiFi, Computers & Printers) CLICK HERE
Room No-1 Sound System, CCTV CLICK HERE
Room No-2 LAN, Sound System, (Virtual Class Room (Face Camera, mini projector, Long Projector, Smart Board) Computer CLICK HERE
Room No-20 (Commerce Lab) Computer, LMS (E-Podium, Smart Board, Projector, sound system) CLICK HERE
Library Computer, Priner, Smoke Alarm, Xerox Machine CLICK HERE