
5.1.1 Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year.


5.1.2 Number of students benefitted by scholarships, free ships etc. provided by the institution / non- government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the year.

Year Name of the scheme Number of students benefited by
Govt. scheme and amount
Number of students benefited by the
institution's schemes and amount
Link to relevant document
Number of students Amount Number of students Amount
2020-21 Kanyashree (K1) 2 1800 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 Kanyashree (K2) 28 700000 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 Aikyashree (Post.Matric) 62 93000 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 Aikyashree (TSP) 34 30600 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 Aikyashree (MCM) 13 156000 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 SVMCMS 56 672000 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 OASIS 294 1176000 00 0000 Data Not Available
2020-21 Biri Shramik 2 20000 00 0000 Data Not Available