Seminars and Conferences

One Day State Level Webinar – Women in Contemporary Society

One Day State Level Webinar

Organized by
Sociology and Political Science Department
in collaboration with IQAC and WOMEN CELL

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Webinar on Women in Contemporary Society

A state level webinar was organized by the Department of Political science and Sociology in collaboration with the IQAC, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya on 26th December, 2021. The webinar was entitled "Women in contemporary society". The invited speakers were

  1. Dr. Sourav Madhur Dey, Assistant Professor and HOD Department of Sociology, The University of Burdwan .
  2. Dr. Avisek Karmakar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Galsi Mahavidyalaya.

The webinar was conducted via Google Meet and about 184 students, faculty and other listeners joined in the webinar. The Webinar was presided over by the Principal of the college , Dr. MD . Salauddin Khan who welcomed all the speakers and participants. The Department of Political Science and the Department of Sociology were represented by Smt Saheli Naik and Sri Sohon Das (both faculty members) whereas IQAC was co -ordinate by Dr. Indrajit Chattopadhyay. The speakers’ lectures and the interactive sessions were highly appreciated. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by the organizers.