Seminars and Conferences

State level Seminar on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

State level Seminar on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

The Department of Geography, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, organized a State Level Webinar on ‘Climate Change and Sustainable Development’ on 5th June, 2021. The initiative has been taken at a time when the entire world is going through a pandemic and human sustenance and the academia are affected badly. The Webinar was, therefore, an attempt to raise and spread awareness about a global issue that determines our present and future existence as human race.Professor Giyasuddin Siddique, of the Department of Geography, University of Burdwan, was the invited speaker whose lecture focused simultaneously on the ominous signs and causes of climate change and possible ways of sustainable development that will ensure the peaceful co-existence of mother earth and the different forms of life that she sustains. The meeting was presided over by the Principal of the college, Dr Md Salauddin Khan. The Department of Geography and the IQAC were represented by Sri Prasenjit Pal and Dr Indrajit Chattopadhyay respectively. The webinar was conducted via Google meet and was attended by students and faculty.